Waste Management

Local Survey

Here at Lake Michigan Farms we abide by a “closed-loop” ideology. This means that virtually every material we use on our farm is recycled, upcycled or composted. Living on an island, these methods are even more important, especially throughout the winter when transport is limited. Our goal with this section is to understand the Beaver Island Waste Management system and how Agriculture can play a role in reducing waste volume. For those who play key roles in the local transfer station, large volume composting or utilization of biofuels, we would love to have your input. Below are just a few benefits that will come from contributing to our research.

  • Volume Reduction

    With over 20 years of experience in waste management, we understand the logistical challenges of transporting waste off of the island. At the root of our farm model is a regenerative concept that will require large quantities of food waste feedstock.

  • Collaboration

    Public-Private Partnerships (P3's) are a way for communities to receive necessary services or improvements without placing undue burden on the local government and existing infrastructure. Strategically working together can create lasting, positive change.

  • Innovation

    Many, many genius concepts started with one or two people in a garage or doodling on a bar napkin. Discovering islanders and homesteaders who have created innovative ways to improve the management of waste can unlock hidden potential for the future.

For affiliates of the Beaver Island Transfer Station, Large Volume Composters and Utilitarian Bio-Fuel Operators, click the button below to take our survey!

Current Local Data

This section will be where we post the most recent data that we have collected regarding waste management on Beaver Island. If you’d like to be updated when new information is added, be sure to follow our journey on social media!

How It Works

This section will be dedicated to sharing the ins and outs of garbage disposal and recycling on Beaver Island. With a recent grant awarded to the townships, exciting improvements are on the way! 

Check out the article here to learn more.

Waste Management


Your one stop spot for helpful resources that will make waste management on Beaver Island just a little bit easier. Click each image below to learn more and if you have any questions or are looking for further assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact us directly. We’re here for you!

Join Us!

If you would like to join our research team or have any questions, we would love to hear from you! Click the button below to contact us.