Food Distributors

Local Survey

Wholesalers, Retailers, Farmers Markets, Restaurants and in our case, even a gas station, Beaver Island has a range of food distributors that provide our residents with sustenance. At this stage in our research, we need a better understanding of types of food, quantities, and more importantly, how locally grown produce can fulfill nutritional needs in our community. Our first priority is to ensure that the 600 year round residents are provided for. As our micro-farming concept begins to regenerate the land where more crops can be offered, we’ll then turn to scaling up to meet the demands of our busy season! If you are involved in food distribution in any respect, we would love to have your input! Take this survey to help us learn more about. Below are just a few benefits that will come from contributing to our research.

  • Lower Costs

    The information we gather through this survey helps us to expand locally grown and sourced food. With direct access on the island, reductions in expenses will create better margins of return.

  • Premium Quality

    Offering your customers premium quality, nutrient packed food items that are grown locally creates greater satisfaction, trust and consistent return business.

  • Collaboration

    We are building bridges with locally-owned and operated agriculture businesses across Michigan to enhance the island food supply chain with products for wholesale distribution.

For local residents/businesses who are actively distributing food on Beaver Island in any size or form, click the button below to take our survey!

Current Local Data

This section will be where we post the most recent data that we have collected about the local food distribution market on Beaver Island. If you’d like to be updated when new information is added, be sure to follow our journey on social media!

Local Spotlight

Local businesses are the reason that we have access to food on the island! This section will showcase all of places on Beaver Island for residents to get food.

Food Distribution


Your one stop spot for helpful resources that will make your life with food just a little bit easier. Click each image below and if you have any questions or are looking for further assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact us directly. We’re here for you!

Seed Store

*Coming Soon!*

*Coming Soon!*


*Coming Soon!*


*Coming Soon!*

Farmers Market

*Coming Soon!*

Join Us!

If you would like to join our research team or have any questions, we would love to hear from you! Click the button below to contact us.