
Local Survey

This section is an open call for any resident, year-round or seasonal who lives or stays on Beaver Island! Your voice matters and we want to hear it loud and clear! Take this survey to help us learn more about your relationship with food on the island and what changes, improvements or additions you would like to see. Below are just a few benefits that will come from contributing to our research.

  • Immediate Access

    Our regenerative farm is on a mission to grow fresh, organic produce year-round on the island!

  • Limitless Possibility

    What produce items would you like to have available all year long? Let us know, we'll factor it into our crop rotation.

  • Nutritional Meals

    See ya later micro-plastics! Sayonara chemicals and genetically modified foods! We're taking farming back to a simpler time when crops were jam packed with nutrients, flavor and shelf-life where your meals now benefit your body and our environment.

For any local resident on Beaver Island who wants to help us strengthen the local food system and reduce import dependency, click the button below to take our survey!

Current Local Data

This section will be where we post the most recent data that we have collected from the Beaver Island community about food. If you would like to stay updated when new information is added, be sure to follow our journey on social media!

Beaver Island Community Engagement

This section will provide all of our meeting schedules, focus group sessions and local events to highlight community engagement for our I.S.L.A.N.D. Initiative!



Your one stop spot for helpful resources that will make community engagement just a little bit easier. Click each image below and if you have any questions or are looking for further assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact us directly. We’re here for you!

Join Us!

If you would like to join our research team or have any questions, we would love to hear from you! Click the button below to contact us.