Food Transporters

Local Survey

Food transporters are our lifeline for survival on Beaver Island. For 4 months out of the year we are entirely dependent on the airways to supply our local grocer, gas station and restaurants. During season, the ferry boat expands capacity however, with the growing demand for our island scaling at lightening speed, paired with unexpected weather events or changes to the boat schedule, we are still susceptible to delays in receiving food supplies.

Our vision is to create a food system that still has importing as an option but is not solely reliant on incoming food to survive. What agricultural items we cannot generate on the island can be supplemented by local Michigan farms and businesses to fill the void wherever possible.

In order for us to make this happen, it is so important that we understand the intricate dynamics of food transportation to and from the island.

For any resident/business that is a part of this segment of work, please take a few moments to complete our survey and help us learn more! Below are just a few benefits that will come from contributing to our research.

  • Streamlined Operations

    The information we gather through this survey will help us to create a more efficient system of food transport.

  • Local Support

    Your input and feedback will help us to better serve the local economy and support Michigan agricultural businesses.

  • Reduced Pressure

    The immense amount of pressure placed on food transporters is monumental. We aim to alleviate some of that burden.

For local residents who are actively involved in transporting food to, from and around Beaver Island, click the button below to take our survey!

Current Local Data

This section will be where we post the most recent data that we have collected from local food transportation networks on Beaver Island. If you’d like to be updated when new information is added, be sure to follow our journey on social media!

Beaver Island Transportation

This section will provide a central location to access all of the ways to get on, off and around our island. To help residents and visitors get acclimated, take a look below for local resources on shipping and receiving packages, groceries and prescriptions.

Food Transportation


Your one stop spot for helpful resources that will make food transportation just a little bit easier. Click each image below and if you have any questions or are looking for further assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact us directly. We’re here for you!

Cab Services

Grocery Shopping

*Coming Soon!*

Food Delivery

*Coming Soon!*

Join Us!

If you would like to join our research team or have any questions, we would love to hear from you! Click the button below to contact us.